golden eyes sticky as honey lyrics (by le soldat pony)
Lyrics for: golden eyes sticky as honey by le soldat ponyIt's coming in the air
all my children of earth and blood and stone
gather for me yet
my wings can't break from the path I've written here before
It's always come to this
I'm not so fond of ponies
who can't make right additions to their past
and on and on they run
I'm not so fond of myself
or what I lack
And everypony knows
no road can chase me long enough
to take me home
It burns me to the core
but there's just something else about her
and she was always more
than a periphery or a faithful courrier
And not a pony goes
unnoticed in my eyes
I'll break in the fall
Bring color to my cold
breathe red and gold and purple in my life
and I see nothing now
that isn't lost in stars and cosmos
before these mighty skies
And it swallows me whole
to know we're more lost than she
the constellations that I stole
and wrapped around her wings
she keeps them there to comfort me
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all my children of earth and blood and stone
gather for me yet
my wings can't break from the path I've written here before
It's always come to this
I'm not so fond of ponies
who can't make right additions to their past
and on and on they run
I'm not so fond of myself
or what I lack
And everypony knows
no road can chase me long enough
to take me home
It burns me to the core
but there's just something else about her
and she was always more
than a periphery or a faithful courrier
And not a pony goes
unnoticed in my eyes
I'll break in the fall
Bring color to my cold
breathe red and gold and purple in my life
and I see nothing now
that isn't lost in stars and cosmos
before these mighty skies
And it swallows me whole
to know we're more lost than she
the constellations that I stole
and wrapped around her wings
she keeps them there to comfort me
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